Texas pause for GOP early vote
Early voting is underway here in Texas. But, with the South Carolina Primary and the Nevada caucus still days away, some votes could be wasted if you cast them now.
Senator John Cornyn began his day Thursday by casting his early primary vote. The senior Texan in the U.S.Senate also encouraged others to vote now but admits some people may put it off because the top of the GOP ballot remains in flux.
"I noticed on the ballot I voted on there are people who are already dropped out of the race who are listed on the ballot, it’s too late to get your name withdrawn from the ballot, but I think that’s the risk you take, but again I think the down ballot races are equally important, and I hope people will get out and vote for those down ballot races as well, I think the risk is well worth it, if there is a risk,” said Senator Cornyn.
In Texas; early voting started the 16th and runs until Friday the 26th. So far in Travis County, almost 13-thousand people have voted. In Williamson County, there’s been a little more than 5-thousand votes. In Hays County, the number is just below 2-thousand. The turnout may be due to the lack of high profile visits to Texas by the candidates. Most are currently focused on two other primary races. South Carolina votes Saturday and the republican caucus in Nevada is Tuesday.
There is a real possibility by Wednesday a couple of GOP candidates could be out of the race. And if you early voted for one here in Texas that's a vote you won't get back.
"Can I just last out one more week,” is the big question political analyst Brian Smith believes the bulk of the GOP field is asking right now.
"When your bank account starts reaching zero, at this point in the Primary caucus game it’s not going to rebound. So the candidates in the worse financial position are going to have to look and say I can’t do this anymore and also the candidates who are not getting any votes are going to have to say, I can’t do this anymore,” said Smith.
A ballot box surprise could also create a long shot rebound said Smith.
"When we think about Super Tuesday in 2012 there was absolutely something for everyone, Gingrich won, Santorum won, and Romney won, and because each of those candidates did well, it kept their campaigns going, so I think a lot of the candidates who are on the bubble are going to say, are there any states that I can win and parlay into that some momentum."
There is also another argument for putting off early voting until the 26th, the last possible day, or just waiting until primary day on March first. Next Thursday night, a Republican debate will be held in Houston giving voters a late look at the remaining candidates.