Volunteers deliver Thanksgiving meals
Volunteers delivered some kindness and a warm meal to go along with it on Thanksgiving. A couple of people also got a huge surprise when an Austin celebrity showed up.
It was early in the morning and the cook top at Guerro's restaurant sizzled with turkey. Volunteers mashed 1,500 pounds of potatoes and dished out stuffing and pie.
"Here at Guerro's we're going to put 2,000 meals together. We're also doing 3,000 meals at P.F. Chang's North and P.F. Chang's downtown," said Brian Tolbert.
The meals will feed the homeless. Operation Turkey started with one man 15 years ago. Now hundreds of volunteers show up to help.
"I thought it would be a good way to show the kids how to be thankful, how to help people that don't have everything that we do," said Johanna Schmidt.
Across town more helpful people prepared dinners at Meals on Wheels. Among the volunteers was a very famous face.
Matthew McConaughey, wife Camilla Alves and their kids picked up orders to take to the less fortunate. They paused a few minutes to take pictures with other volunteers.
To 94-year-old Margaret Reed, the Hausers are stars. Her closest relative is in Florida. The food and the company are very much appreciated.
"It means so much I tell you, when you're not able to get up and do nothing for yourself and someone comes in and help you a little bit it sure is a blessing," said Reed.
For Adam, Micah and Alana the feeling is mutual.
"It's been a Hauser tradition for us to deliver meals on Thanksgiving for many years and it doesn't feel right if we don't do this on Thanksgiving Day. So, and I'm very blessed to have my children here to do it with me," said Adam Hauser.
In total, Meals on Wheels delivered to 403 people giving recipients and volunteers so many reasons to be thankful.