Your Opinion Counts: Kentucky Viagra Bill

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After a Kentucky law was passed requiring women to have a medical consultation 24 hours before having an abortion, one lawmaker decided to fight back. 

She's now proposing restrictions on Viagra, specifically making the drug available only for married men. 

House Bill 396 would also require men to attend two face to face consultations with a doctor before getting a prescription for an erectile dysfunction drug. 

The sponsor, State Representative Mary Lou Marzian, says the bill is admittedly "tongue-in-cheek" and a dig at lawmakers who place restrictions on women but don't hold sexually active men to the same standard. 

She also points out, in past debates, her political opponents have spoken against government intervention in a person's private life. 

We want to know what you think.

With women having to take extra steps for private health care decisions, should men be held to similar legal standards? 

To read more about House Bill 396 on FOX News, click here