Billboard in Georgetown pushing to have Confederate monument removed

A new billboard in Georgetown is pushing to get the confederate monument at the square removed. 

The billboard can be seen along I-35 in Georgetown near Leander Road.

"The idea that our tax dollars go to the upkeep and maintenance to a statue of the enemy of the United States is nonsensical so it needs to go," said Jason Norwood a member of the Wilco Patriots.

The billboard was put up in partnership with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the local organization Wilco Patriots. Both are hoping this billboard sheds more light on the statue. 

"The confederacy stood against the United States, as a United States Army veteran I am definitely against building monuments to any enemy of the United States particularly one that killed more United States Army soldiers sailors at that time than any enemy has to date," said Norwood.

During the Civil War, Williamson County voted to stay in the Union before Texas ultimately succeeded. The monument was put up in Williamson County in 1916, nearly 50 years after the war. 

Today, Confederate monuments continue to be removed throughout the nation. Recently the massive statue of Robert E. Lee was removed in Virginia.

Norwood felt it’s time Williamson County joins this movement and removes theirs. 

"It needs to go somewhere where tax dollars are not being paid to upkeep it and it’s not in a place of prominence set by our government, if somebody wants to put it on the front lawn go right ahead," Norwood says.

As the monument is on county property, Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell released this statement:

"In Williamson County, we continue to listen to the needs and requests of the residents. In this matter, Williamson County is still listening."


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