Boil water notice issued by City of Georgetown

Several subdivisions in the Georgetown Utility System service area are under a boil water notice. 

According to the City of Georgetown, the following subdivisions are affected: Barmor Inc., Bear Creek Country Estates, Bear Creek Ranch, Bridle Gate, Carriage Oaks Estates, Cierra Springs, Cierra Vista, Clearwater Ranch, Estates At Northgate, Hidden Meadows Of Liberty Hill, Hilltop At Stable Oaks, Indian Oak Estates, Liberty Hill RV Park, Northwest Acres, Phillip Lane Estates, Quarry Lake Estates, Rolling Hills, Stage Coach Hill, Stone House Estates, Stonewall Ranch, Sundance Estates, Sundance Ranch, Sunny Hill Mobile Home Park and Sunrise Acres.

Water for consumption (e.g., washing hands/face, brushing teeth, drinking, cooking, ice making, etc.) should be boiled and cooled prior to use. The City is reminding residents the water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. Bottled water is another option for residents. 

The boil notice is due to reduced distribution system pressure. Georgetown Utility Systems experienced a large water pump outage. The city says repairs are in progress, but could take up to two weeks. Affected customers are also asked to stop outdoor water use or other unnecessary water use until Thursday. 


An earlier version of this story said several subdivisions throughout Georgetown were affected.