Dallas pair accused of beating, raping women in federal sex trafficking case

DALLAS - A man and a woman were arrested this week for allegedly running a sex trafficking operation out of their home in West Dallas.
Desmond Bethany, 40, and Bailey Hance, 21, are accused of beating, drugging and raping several women as a way of forcing them to perform sex acts for money. They were arrested Monday and each charged with conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking through force, fraud or coercion.
According to a criminal complaint filed with the United States District Court, authorities began investigating Bethany and Hance in 2017 after several women escaped from their 672-square-foot house.
One woman ran away while she was supposed to be taking out the trash. She jumped into a passing ice cream truck and begged the driver to take her to the police station.
Bethany allegedly came outside to look for her and pointed a gun at the driver. The driver lied about the woman’s whereabouts and sped off with her hiding in the truck. He later flagged down an officer for help.
The 24-year-old woman told authorities she feared for her life because Bethany had beaten her, raped her, poured water over her face so she couldn’t breathe, choked her with a curling iron cord and forced her to sleep on the floor naked as punishment.
A 22-year-old victim told authorities Bethany and Hance routinely assaulted her with clothes hangers, boxing gloves, fists and tree branches for either disrespecting them or not making enough money. She said she was beaten in front of the other women in the house to teach them a lesson.
The woman said Bethany put cameras and locks on all the doors. He also slept in the living room with a handgun to keep them from escaping. She finally got away by contacting her brother and pretending he was a customer who wanted sex.
A third woman from Kansas was able to call her father for help. The woman’s father contacted the Dallas Police Department.
Authorities believe Bethany and Hance used websites like Backpage.com and “Daddy’s List” to pimp out the women. The pair used drugs and violence to keep them under control.
Bethany is a known member of the Bloods gang. He also has a lengthy criminal history with assault, drug and prostitution charges. He is being held in the Kaufman County jail.
Hance is in federal custody.