Hays County courthouse begins holiday season with annual lighting ceremony

The holiday season is in full swing in Hays County. On Friday, people gathered at the historic courthouse in San Marcos for the annual lighting ceremony.

"We have all this community coming together to support us," said Hays County judge Ruben Becerras. "This is a community effort. We’re most grateful to see a unified front in this effort, and this is what it’s about: uniting us."

The family-friendly celebration included live entertainment.

The Holiday Lighting Ceremony is just the first in a series of celebrations that will take place at the courthouse.

A special guest from the North Pole came by. With Christmas being a little more than a month away, kids made sure to tell Santa what was on their list.

"Barbie car, makeup, earrings and bracelets," said Rebelle, one of Santa's visitors.


The Grinch was even spotted at the lighting ceremony. It may be a challenge for the Grinch to steal Christmas this year in Hays County, where the holiday spirit is strong.

"I love everything festive," Jamie Barnard, a San Marcos resident, said. "The parties, Christmas, everything; it's beautiful."

Local leaders say there will be a lot more holiday celebrations going on in Hays County in the coming weeks.