Lakeway PD receive rifle-resistant vests
TRAVIS COUNTY, Texas - Thanks to a grant the Lakeway Police is adding more resistant bulletproof vests to their arsenal.
“There were numerous incidents across the county that indicated that police officers where facing a higher level of violence," said Lieutenant David Law with the Lakeway Police Department.
Law said they have been pushing for better protection ever since 5 officers in Dallas where killed by a sniper back in 2016.
Law said they've been looking to get what's called a level four bullet resistant vest which can help protect against rifles. "Those vests are very expensive and tough for agencies to purchase," said Law.
Before the department got the grant they only had what’s called a level 2 vest which blocks most handgun rounds. As costs for these better vests are much higher the department turned to the state for help.
"In October of 2017 we applied for a grant with govern Abbott’s office and received the funding of 17,500 dollars."
Now with 32 new vest for their 34 officers, Law said this is one purchase he hopes won't have to be put to the test out in the field.
Law said their department in Lakeway hasn't dealt with a shooting in at least 2 years.