New hands-free ordinance approved in Buda

The ordinance went into effect on July 15 but the Buda Police Department has allowed for a 60 day grace period where they will not be issuing citations in order to educate people about the campaign.

The City Council voted 6-0 on July 7 to approve the ordinance that prohibits the use of portable hand-held electronic devices to engage in a call or send, read or write a text message or engage in any other use of the device while operating a moving motor vehicle or bicycle within the Buda city limits.

The ordinance does allow for the use of hands-free devices.

The city says signs will go up as soon as next week about the ordinance. Violators can be fined up to $500.

Authorized emergency personnel including law enforcement officers, firefighters, governmental emergency medical services and emergency management members are exempt while on duty. 

For more information you can go here.