River City Youth Foundation, Pluckers team up to spread Christmas cheer

As a child, Juan Avila remembers coming to his nearby Pluckers, and getting served up a nice warm meal, and receiving a wonderful Christmas gift.

"I really appreciate it and I’m really thankful," said Avila.

Now, 15 years later he continues to attend the Pluckers Christmas Eve Lunch. The event is held each year for families with the River City Youth Foundation.

"Just seeing the faces of the little kids looking at the gifts, I thought about myself when I was five years old," he said.

The event isn't the only thing the organization does. River City Youth Foundation opens their doors to families in need year-round.

"It's a safe place, it's a place to learn, and to play and to celebrate family every single day," said founding executive director Mona Gonzalez.

Pluckers said about 300 families attended the luncheon Friday. They not only got a filling lunch, but all kids walk away with a Christmas gift.

"It's the holiday season. Not many families are able to celebrate like they want to," said Dale White, entertainment and events coordinator at Pluckers.

"Families have been hard hit with all of the impact of this pandemic, and it's time to come together and celebrate life," said Gonzalez.

The teams at the Rio Grande, The Linc, South Lamar, and Oak Hill locations all raised the money to help the event happen, and the tradition will carry on.

"I look forward to seeing their smiles and knowing we have touched their hearts today," said Gonzalez.

You can learn more about the River City Youth Foundation here.

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