The Texas Department of Transportation wants your feedback on Hwy. 79 in Round Rock

%INLINE%The Texas Department of Transportation is hosting an open house for proposed improvements to Hwy. 79. The open house will take place at Hernandez Middle School, located at 1901 Sunrise Road, Round Rock on Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m.

TxDOT is considering a number of improvements to the roadway, including:

  • Widening the roadway to add a third travel lane in both directions
  • Installing a raised median for safety purposes
  • Including overpasses at Hwy. 79 and Mays Street and Hwy. 79 and FM 1460
  • Altering the Hwy. 79 and I-35 intersection
  • Modifying driveways and access points for improved safety and traffic flow
  • Installing bike and pedestrian accomodations

TxDOT will have staff available to answer questions and present potential improvements. No formal presentation will be given, and attendees can come and go at their convenience. Interested parties can submit comments at the meeting, or provide written commentary via mail by to TxDOT Austin District, Attn: Shirley Nichols, P.O. Box 15426, Austin, TX 78761.


From FOX 7's reporting partner, Community Impact.