FOX 7 Care Force: Austin Veteran Arts Festival

The 3rd annual Austin Veterans Arts festival is happening right now in Austin and was created as a way to let veterans express themselves through art and heal from the traumas of military service. Herlinda Zamora with the City of Austin joins Mike Warren to talk about the festival.

FOX 7 Care Force: Veterans and dementia

The Department of Veterans Affairs says that some veterans may be at higher risk for dementia depending on their military experience. The Alzheimer's Foundation of America is hosting a webinar for Texas veterans to discuss the topic. Jennifer Reeder has more details.

Care Force: New law could help veterans dealing with PTSD

A new law could be a huge help for veterans dealing with post traumatic stress. The PAWS Act will have the VA start a five year pilot program to provide service dogs to veterans with PTSD. FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren spoke to Terri Gunn Stringer from Patriot Paws about the law.

FOX 7 Care Force: Suicide among veterans and active duty military

A new study finds suicide among veterans and active duty military continues to be a problem that's not getting any better. FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren talked about the study's findings with Director of Mental Health at the Texas Veterans Commission Dr. Blake Harris.

FOX 7 Care Force: Providing services for local veterans

There's a push for the City of Austin to create an Office of Veteran and Military Affairs. Chair of the Austin Veterans Commission Manuel Jimenez is the person behind that push and he talks about why he feels its important.