APD provide insight to bombs found in Santa Fe
After arresting the teen accused of opening fire at Santa Fe High School Friday morning, investigators turned their attention to removing several explosive devices found near the scene.
Investigators said pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs were found in a nearby trailer and around the school. An Austin Police Operational Specialist spoke with FOX 7 about the dangerous job and provided some insight.
APD Assistant Chief of Police for South Patrol Bureau Special Operations Division Frank Dixon said the situation we recently faced in the Austin bombings case gives some insight to what officials are handling in Santa Fe.
“So anytime that you’re dealing with something that involves explosives it’s extremely complex, it’s very rapid and it can evolve rather quickly and go bad,” said Frank Dixon, APD Assistant Chief of Police for South Patrol Bureau Special Operations Division.
He said the bomb squad is ready if needed.
“Similar to the events that happened here in March we have not been formally contacted for any response down to Santa Fe but I can tell you we always have bomb techs on call 24 hours a day seven days a week. We always have special operations personal on call so if we get a request for assistance we expect to return the favor that we got in March,” said Dixon.
Dixon said every case has to be treated as its own situation.
“In scenes like that you want to be very mythical on how you go about doing it. You want to take your time and not rush through it. Because you don’t know how those devices were manufactured what safety devices they may have or what trip mechanisms they have in them,” said Dixon.