City of Austin wants feedback on plans to 'cap and stitch' I-35

The City of Austin is asking for public input on proposed plans to "cap and stitch" I-35 through downtown Austin. The project surveys are available in both English and Spanish.

The goal of the cap and stitch project is to build large decks or caps over the interstate and to widen overpasses above the interstate, creating stitches that improve east to west connectivity for all travelers, according to the City of Austin. 

Austin has the opportunity to cap and stitch I-35 through downtown Austin because of TxDOT’s Capital Express Central project, which includes the reconstruction of I-35. The cap and stitch project team is coordinating closely with TxDOT as the Capital Express Central project continues through the design and the environmental clearance process.

Community members can help inform the project design and brand through two surveys that are now available through the newly launched cap and stitch webpage

One survey invites feedback on community preferences for the cap and stitch features. Responses to this survey will help inform the types of elements that could be planned on top of the cap and stitch locations, according to the city. 

The other survey allows respondents to comment on the cap and stitch project’s proposed brand. Responses to the brand survey will help determine the project’s title, logo, and color palette. 

Additional opportunities for community feedback will occur in the future, according to the city.

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