City of Taylor facing staffing shortage amid omicron surge

The recent surge of the omicron variant of COVID-19 is impacting city employees over in Taylor as the city is currently dealing with a staffing shortage.

"Management has been modifying some staff schedules and adjusting to those who are out sick," says Kendra Dubee, the city's communications coordinator.

One facility impacted is the city library, which has changed their hours to open at noon. 

"They also have two positions that are opened up, and we're looking to fill, so it's a combination of a staffing shortage and people being out because of sickness," said Dubee.

Those looking to get a city permit or use the developmental service office are asked to call ahead or send an email, otherwise they have a sign-up sheet posted on their door and eventually someone will get back to you once you fill it out.

The municipal court is also operating with a limited staff.

"They are down over there as well, but we do have staff, but it might take a little bit longer for them to get to people so we just ask everyone to have a little bit of patience," Dubee said.

Taylor isn't the only town dealing with a staffing shortage from COVID-19. Bartlett is reporting they will close City Hall to the public until next Tuesday as they have staff who needs to quarantine. They are asking residents to either call or email with any questions related to city services. 

Both cities are urging their residents to be patient as their staff get better.

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