Flooding expected to worsen as more rain forecasted for Central Texas

Heavy rain Wednesday night, on top of what Central Texas has already seen earlier this week, is causing flooding issues throughout our area Thursday morning. With more rain moving through Thursday, conditions are expected to get worse.

Communities in Central Texas already have seen some road closures early this week—particularly on Tuesday in parts of Williamson and Travis Counties. However, overnight Wednesday night into Thursday morning, there has been an increase in the number of low water crossings being shut down due to water overflowing roadways. Places like Northwest Austin, Kyle, Marble Falls, Elgin and Georgetown are all seeing several roads shut down Thursday morning.

Drivers are reminded to be aware of barricades blocking off flooded roads, and of course never try to move them or go around them. That is illegal.


FOX 7 Austin spoke to the experts at AAA Texas about navigating these conditions. They say it is key to watch your speed during heavy rain, and particularly in areas prone to flash flooding.

"Even at 35 miles an hour, new tires can lose traction with the roadways," said Daniel Armbruster of AAA Texas. "And certainly in wet conditions you want to have good reaction time but you don’t want to slam on your brakes. Gently apply the brakes if necessary."

Armbruster says drivers need to remain vigilant and watch out for water on roadways.

"Flash flooding is a big problem when we have heavy rains like this. So certainly never attempt to drive on a road that’s covered with water. Your personal safety should always come first. So that means if you have to get out of the vehicle, leave that vehicle and get to safety, higher ground if you have to," said Armbruster.

Many drivers may be surprised by how little water it can take to wash a vehicle away.


"It only takes a few inches of water, and you can’t tell if that water is moving or not underneath. So it only takes just a little bit of water to wash a vehicle off a roadway. And certainly it’s important to also carry tools with you that if you were to be in a situation where your vehicle is submerged in water that you can escape from that vehicle," said Armbruster. "If your vehicle starts to take on water, don’t try to restart that vehicle because what can happen is your engine will take on water and that can cause even further damage to your vehicle."

It is also important to be aware of debris that may have washed into the roadway.

For real-time updates on flooded roads in the Austin area, visit atxfloods.org. For the latest on driving conditions, visit drivetexas.org

FOX 7 Austin meteorologist Carlo Falco says that flash flooding is possible under rain-train type storms and enhanced rainfall locations.  Up to four inches of rain is possible out of the heaviest thunderstorms though a more widespread 0.75-2 inches of rain is more likely.  

Falco says low water crossings will likely be closed for several hours this evening or remain closed for several more days.  Flash flooding along flood prone creeks and streams will be possible through the afternoon and into the evening.  Minor river flooding in flood prone areas will be possible this evening and through tonight as well.