Gun store burglarized in Hutto, twice in last month
A Hutto gun shop has been broken into twice in less than a month and the Williamson County Sheriff's Office is hoping you can help lead them to the suspects.
“It was quick, it was quick,” Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody spoke about the burglary of the Blackland Hills Gun Works store on U.S. 79 October 17th. It took about 30 seconds for six people to get away with several guns from the Hutto gun store early in the morning. Sheriff Chody said it was organized criminal activity because of how quick they were able to pull it off and they knew exactly what they were looking for and where to find it. Sheriff's said when they arrived on scene they found the front window was broken, and about 10-15 guns were missing. Deputies said the suspects were in a stolen vehicle out of Manor which was found a half a mile away on F.M. 3349.
Sheriff Chody said they were also told there was an attempted burglary at a gun store in Georgetown the same night. And this isn't the first time the Blackland Hills Gun Works Store has been hit. Back in September, surveillance captured two men who got away with some Glock pistols one with their face more recognizable. Right now, Sheriff Chody believes all of the incidents are related, “We obviously have some people looking for some guns from gun stores,” he said
Sheriff Chody said it's concerning anytime a gun is stolen, but when you're dealing with 10 to 15 it's not a small take away, “We don't know where those guns are going obviously they are being taken into criminal activity they are more than likely going to be used in criminal activity whether they are being sold in the black market whether they are being utilized for drug activity or even against the public or law enforcement so.” He had a message for local gun store owners, “Even though you may have good security measures in place, take a look at them again, reassess what you have a little bit because we have an organized criminal element out there that they have certainly stepped it up and they are preplanning what they are doing. You may think your alarm system will prevent that activity but they don't need that much time, this crime proved that.”
A $5,000 reward is being offered by ATF for any information leading to the arrest and conviction for the people responsible If you have any information, or recognize the suspects, you're asked to contact the Williamson County Sheriff's Office at 512-943-1354.