Holiday travel at ABIA
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is anticipating a surge of people this holiday season and wants travelers to follow the golden rule of travel—arrive early.
Public Relations Specialist Kaela Harmon said they’d like people to be aware of overflow parking.
“We really want people to check the parking situation before they leave home and also accommodate for time to get through security lines which may or may not be long depending on what time you arrive,” Harmon said.
The airport has seen a number of changes since last Christmas, the biggest is the new south terminal. The terminal services travelers who are flying with Allegiant or VIA.
Friday morning ABIA experienced a few flight delays due to an evacuation at Dallas Love Field Airport but ABIA staff said they were able to get back on track by the afternoon.
Harmon said Wednesday was a busy day for the airport and they anticipate the Wednesday following New Year’s Day to be another busy day for them.
AAA reported more than 8.2 million Texans will be traveling this holiday weekend.