Monday is last day to register to vote for Primary Election
Time is running out if you want to help decide who will be our next president. February 1 is the last day to register to vote for the primary election in Texas.
Not only will voters be choosing presidential candidates but they will also be voting on some important offices statewide and locally.
Frances McIntyre is part of the Austin League of Women Voters and says 2016 is a very important election year. She is encouraging everyone to register. “A democracy is of the people, for the people, and by the people. By the people means that they need participate in it for it to work as well as it possibly can.” She said voting takes us back to the benefits our forefathers gave us.
The primary election is March 1st and will help decide which candidates will be on the ballot in November. “These are the people that are going to be leading the country not only nationally for the President, the legislators to Congress, and all sorts of people there. But there are state offices that are up, and there are county offices that are up,” said McIntyre
Austinites can register to vote in several ways including downloading a mail-in application. Applications must be postmarked February 1st. Eligible voters may also apply in person at their county voter registrar's office.
It is an open primary for Texas, so voters here won't have to select a party when registering. But qualified voters can vote in either the Republican or Democratic primary, but not both. “Everybody's vote counts and we are the ones who tell them who we want to be are our leaders for the next two to four years. People don't realize their vote makes a difference, a really big difference, it can make a difference with a candidate or an issue, and they need to have their words heard," said McIntyre.
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