National blood shortage crisis impacting Central Texas blood banks

A national blood crisis is what the American Red Cross has reported as the need for blood can be seen across the nation.

This blood shortage crisis has an impact on local blood banks like We Are Blood

"We have such a low inventory that in some cases we have less than a day supply in some circumstances. That requires us to communicate with our hospitals and tell them to conserve as much as possible," said Nick Canedo, VP of Community Engagement at We Are Blood. "We’ve been experiencing this the past several months but it’s been made worse in recent weeks."

According to We Are Blood, there are two main factors that have an impact on the blood supply locally. One of them is a high demand from local hospitals for blood and the other it saw was fewer volunteers, which it says is related to the pandemic. "We have been hearing from donors who say they aren’t feeling well, as well as dealing with positive cases," says Canedo.


As for the hospitals, Canedo said in recent years the demand for blood for transfusions has gone up significantly. "Throughout 2021 we saw an increase need in over 5300 blood donations needed versus 2020 where an additional 600 donations were needed in our community."

Usually, when a blood bank is a need of more blood, Canedo said surrounding banks across the area are able to pitch in and help but because this situation is happening across the nation this isn’t an option.

Donations can be made at any one of three area donor centers on North Lamar, Round Rock, and South Austin. There are also mobile blood drives scheduled weekly. Appointments are mandatory for all. Receipt of the flu vaccine or an FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccine does not disqualify you from donating. 

Check locations for hours and days of operation. 

We Are Blood talks about National Blood Donor Month
Red Cross declares 1st ever US blood shortage crisis: How to donate, types needed
We Are Blood urges Central Texans to donate amid supply shortages
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