Spicer: 'Clearly meant Orlando' in talk of Atlanta attack
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump's press secretary says he meant to say Orlando when he repeatedly referenced a terror attack in Atlanta during interviews and a press briefing last week.
Sean Spicer first referred to an Atlanta attack in an interview on Jan. 29 on ABC's "This Week." He also named the city in reference to a terror attack during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Jan. 30 and in a press briefing later that same day.
Spicer told ABC News in an email Wednesday that he "clearly meant Orlando."
Spicer isn't the only Trump administration official to refer to a terror attack that never happened. Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway referred to a "Bowling Green Massacre" during an interview with MSNBC last week. She now says she misspoke.