Program to help people diagnosed with Alzheimer's

Being diagnosed with Alzheimer's is life changing and it's always better to detect it sooner rather than later. Robert Slack, ADRD coordinator and dementia resource specialist with the Area Agency on Aging, speaks on a new program to support people facing Alzheimer's and related dementias.

How do I help my aging relative?

The holiday can be a difficult time, especially for those with aging relatives. FOX 7 Austin's Rebecca Thomas speaks with Jennifer Scott, Director of the Area Agency on Aging of the Capital Area, on how to know when your aging relative is having issues living independently.

Holiday stress on caregivers

The holiday season is here, bringing with it all of the joy and extra stress that we've come to expect from this time of year. But the holidays can also make things extra difficult for caregivers. Shirley Trapani, special projects manager with the Area Agency on Aging, discusses.

Help available for those with Alzheimer's

There are many challenges that come with aging, but you don't have to go through it alone. Joining us is Suzanne Anderson, CEO of Age Central Texas. Thank you so much for being here

Caregiver Nation initiative

Shirley Trapani, the special projects manager for the Area Agency on Aging, joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to talk about a nationwide initiative this month.

Medicare open enrollment begins

Medicare open enrollment has begun. Michelle Davis with the Aging Services Council joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to discuss what you need to know.

Preparing for elderly care

When a loved one reaches the later stages of life, their family many times will have to make difficult decisions about their care. Here to talk more about this is Sienna Lindemann with the Aging Services Council.

Aging: Body grows older in bursts

Turns out feeling "over the hill" in your 40s and 60s may not be such a joke after all. A new study finds our body has rapid changes happening in certain decades of our lives. FOX Medical Team's Dr. Mike has details.