Austin-area firefighters head to southern California to help fight wildfires

More than 100 Texas firefighters and equipment are in southern California to help battle the deadly wildfires. Some Austin-area firefighters are also making the trip.

"It's pretty it's a surreal experience to go into that environment coming from some place like this where it's all nice and safe. And it's actually a pretty nice day now, too, going into something like that where everybody's lost their whole world," said AFD Lt. Steve Gibbon with the wildfire division.

On Saturday, Governor Abbott announced the deployment of more than 100 Texas firefighters to help battle the deadly wildfires in California.

Along with that, Texas also sent members of the Texas A&M Forest Service, other emergency personnel, as well as fire engines and equipment.

"We sent our crews out on Saturday. They drove out of here about noon on Saturday, spent the night in El Paso and then made it on Sunday night. They got into California about 10:30 Sunday night," said Lt. Gibbon.

Joining that group, the Austin Fire Department sent four personnel trained in wildland and urban interface strategies and tactics to assist with the response in California.

They also sent a fire engine and additional wildfire equipment to assist.

"Just like every firefighter in the state of Texas. We're here to serve. And we're and this is just another way to serve. We're not serving our community, but we're helping others in need. And that's what we're all about," said Lt. Gibbon.

AFD is part of the Texas Interstate Mutual Aid System.

Resources are spread across departments statewide so that a big demand is not placed on one department.

"What we do is they send in the request. We put together a strike team, which is five engines, much like this engine right here. And each department will pony up an engine and then some firefighters," said Lt. Gibbon.

Lt. Steve Gibbon with AFD’s Wildfire Division says the AFD team is assigned to the Palisades Fire and was out on the fire line Monday.

"They're trying to increase the containment percentage because, Tuesday morning, specifically, they're expecting another round of Santa Ana winds tomorrow. So, they need to get the fire perimeter really buttoned up tight so that that fire doesn't get up and break containment," said Lt. Gibbon.

Strike teams from around the state like Jarrell, Hutto, Kyle, Killeen, Morgans Point, Bryan and Round Rock also joined the firefight on Monday in southern California.

Lt. Gibbon says experiences like this are valuable for those firefighters when they return home.

"It's a great learning experience for us to be able to learn how to plug in and work within this instant command system and that's how they manage the fires. It's an inside command system. And knowing how we plug in to that is an important piece of the puzzle" said Lt. Gibbon.

The initial duration of their deployment is two to three weeks.

During that time, they’ll work 24 hours on and 24 hours off.

The Source: Information from interviews conducted by FOX 7 Austin's Jenna King
