City of Round Rock vehicles damaged during hail storm

The City of Round Rock says its vehicle fleet suffered "significant" damage during Sunday night's hail storm.

The City shared photos of the damage on X/Twitter, showing dents and smashed windows on some of their vehicles.

"It's a pretty big hit to us," said general service director Chad McDowell.

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(City of Round Rock)

The City says more than 200 vehicles had windshield damage, hail damage, or a combination of both.

"Almost every department that has vehicles has been impacted in some way, shape, or form, or fashion," said McDowell. "We have a couple departments that got super lucky, and they only have a couple vehicles damaged."

This includes the police department, where 50 vehicles were damaged, according to McDowell.


"We keep backups just in case this happens so the police department will have anywhere from 15-20 back up vehicles, if they are not damaged as you can see some of the damage on the vehicles or hail dents on the side, but the glass on the side, if they are fine and if the windshield is fine, then we are still going to let them drive them," McDowell said.

The city also says adjustments are being made to make sure that all first responders have transportation.

"We are either having to put them into a backup vehicle that is not a pretty C.R.U unit like this," McDowell said. "It might be a Crown Vic, they will still have modes of transportation, or we are borrowing from other departments."

McDowell says this is not the first time a hailstorm has damaged a fleet of first responder vehicles.

"Not it’s not, you know unfortunately, Mother Nature just has a way of coming around here every once in a while, so a couple years ago, we had almost the same thing not as bad, but we had almost the same thing," McDowell said. "We had a substantial amount of vehicles and we are following the same process."

The first step for the city is getting the windshields repaired and after that, will be filing insurance claims for the body damage.

"We are able to just go through those processes, get everything we need and get everybody back on the road," McDowell said.

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