Don't profit off Vanessa Guillen's murder, family pleads

The mother of Vanessa Guillen, the Fort Hood soldier who was murdered, is pleading for people not to profit from her family's pain.

In a video posted to the family's Facebook page, Gloria Guillen states she has not given any organization or person permission to sell merchandise with Vanessa's name or image.

Vanessa, a soldier at Fort Hood, was found dead last month after disappearing in April. Investigators say she was killed by a fellow soldier.

The handling of the case by the United States Army has caused national outrage and sparked large demonstrations and protests. Some, her family says, are exploiting the attention her case has gotten.

The mother warns anyone who sells anything not authorized by the family will be met with legal action.

Instead, Gloria encourages those who want to show their support to hold vigils and religious services in Vanessa's honor. She adds attendees should wear Vanessa's favorite colors -- green, white, and yellow -- and make signs that read "Justice for Vanessa."

The family is urging people to push for a congressional investigation of Vanessa's case and for the bill "I am Vanessa Guillen" to hold the leadership at Fort Hood accountable.

Vanessa GuillenTexas