FOX 7 Discussion: Attack ads against Biden-Harris ticket already out
FOX 7 Discussion: Attack ads against Biden-Harris ticket already out
Travis County GOP chairman Matt Mackowiak and Democratic political strategist Natalie Montelongo join Rebecca Thomas on FOX 7 Austin on attack ads already airing from Trump campaign against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
AUSTIN, Texas - Joe Biden's pick for vice president on the Democratic presidential ticket is being met with a lot of praise from Democrats, but others are already taking shots.
President Trump says Senator Kamala Harris will be "very bad for our country." "She is a big tax raiser, she's a big slasher of funds for our military and she has a lot of difficult things she is going to have to explain," he said.
The president and the GOP machine are already out with attack ads against Biden and in one ad, they're using Harris's own words against him.
Travis County GOP chairman Matt Mackowiak and Democratic political strategist Natalie Montelongo join Rebecca Thomas to talk about this in greater detail.