Georgetown Parks & Recreation announces day camps for holidays

The Georgetown Parks & Recreation Department is offering day camps for students during the upcoming Georgetown ISD student holidays. 

The city says pricing and schedules vary for each program and participants can select from four camps:

Camp Goodwater

This camp is offered at the Georgetown Recreation Center on Dec. 20-23 and 27-30 for children ages 5-12. Children must be currently attending Kindergarten to participate. Programming runs from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 

The camp includes outdoor activities, gym games, and seasonal arts and crafts, as well as other activities. Daily fees are $40 for Georgetown residents and $50 for nonresidents.

Junior Tennis Academy

The tennis academy is offered at the Georgetown Tennis Center on Dec. 27-31 from 9-11 a.m. for ages 7-10 and 1-3 p.m. for ages 11-15. 

This camp focuses on the fundamentals of stroke production, conditioning, movement, footwork, tactics, and strategy. Daily fees are $20 for Georgetown residents and $25 for nonresidents.

Volleyball Camp 

This camp is offered at the Georgetown Recreation Center on Dec. 20-21 from 9 a.m.-noon for children ages 8-14. 

The camp covers the rules of play for beginners and defense and positions for more advanced players. Fees are $55 for Georgetown residents and $75 for nonresidents.

Basketball Camp 

This camp is offered at the Georgetown Recreation Center on Dec. 27-29 from 9 a.m.-noon for children ages 6-16. 

The camp will offer participants the opportunity to improve ball handling, shooting, footwork, defense techniques, and other game-related training. Fees are $100 for Georgetown residents and $125 for nonresidents.

For more information and to register, those interested can go online or call 512-930-3596.

Georgetown to hold drive-thru breakfast with Santa on Dec. 11
Georgetown kicks off holidays with annual Lighting of the Square
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