Meals on Wheels to continue modified meal delivery schedule

Meals on Wheels Central Texas (MOWCTX) says that it will be continuing its modified delivery schedule due to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.

The organization was previously set to resume daily meal delivery the week of Jan. 24, but will instead deliver three weeks' worth of meals on Friday, Jan. 28. 

MOWCTX says the decision is due to the fact that a vast majority of clients have underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and compromised immune systems, which make them especially vulnerable to COVID-19. 

MOWCTX also says it will be monitoring local public health developments and reviewing future plans, but will continue with less frequent deliveries to reduce client-volunteer interactions and the risk of infection.

This comes after Austin Public Health recently decided to return to Stage 5 of its COVID-19 Risk-Based Guidelines as COVID-19 cases rise in Austin-Travis County due to the Omicron variant

Meals on Wheels serves Thanksgiving, but needs more help
FOX 7 Discussion: Meals on Wheels faces volunteer shortage
MOWCTX needing more volunteers to meet seniors' needs
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