Georgetown City Council candidate filing period begins

The candidate filing period for Georgetown City Council Districts 3, 4 and 7 has begun and will continue until Friday, Feb. 18.

Completed applications for candidacy should be submitted at City Hall, 808 Martin Luther King Jr. St. To see maps of council districts, click here.

Council members serve three-year terms representing one of seven single-member districts. 

To qualify, a candidate must be:

  • at least 21 years of age on the first day of the term of office
  • a citizen and qualified voter of the state of Texas 
  • a citizen and qualified voter of the City of Georgetown
  • a resident of the district for 12 months preceding election day

The last day to register to vote for the May election is April 7.

Early in-person voting is April 25-30 and May 2-3. Election day is May 7. Early voting and Election day polling places, dates, and times will be listed online here.

For details about the city election, click here

Georgetown calling for volunteers for tree-planting event Feb. 26
Georgetown City Council approves new council district map
Two Georgetown ISD counseling programs recognized with CREST awards
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