Travis County holding recruitment event

If you've ever thought about a career in law enforcement or corrections, now's your chance. Career fairs will be held in Travis and Williamson counties this weekend.

Competitive is the word among law enforcement across the state. Each agency is doing what it can to get an edge and a good employee in the door.

On Friday the Travis County Sheriff's Office kicked off a two-day career fair. The agency is looking to hire 76 people for anything from corrections officers to maintenance staff.

"It seems like something I could do for the rest of my life," said Cara Sheppard. "So I was like 'why not do it and try and figure out how to get there?'"

Cara Sheppard is applying for the evidence tech position.

"You get to help the community and if there's like something to go on you can try and help fix problems and so it's really helpful for everyone in the community to be able to do a job like this," said Sheppard.

Sgt. Jason Garcia says the sheriff's office is having to be more aggressive in the recruiting process because all law enforcement agencies are dealing with the same issue.

"We're starting to see a lot of retirements. The baby boomers are all starting to retire."

200 employees currently qualify for retirement.

For those looking to start a career in law enforcement, staff says it's a great time to enter. There will be more high-ranking positions available allowing for a faster climb on the career ladder.

To get the spots filled faster, the sheriff's office has expedited the application process. The physical fitness exam is quicker too. It's now a rowing test.

Applicants who go to the career fair are able to try out the system so they know what will be necessary to qualify.

Sgt. Garcia chose the corrections path. He's says it's been a rewarding career.

"You get two things out of it. One of the big things is you have a form of brother/sisterhood with the people you work with and you just make sure you take care of each other and their families if something happened. Also you want to keep the people who are in here safe and secure from themselves and others also. They have families out there too," said Garcia.

Travis County Career Fair:

Saturday, the 16th
Training Academy, 3614 Bill Price Road, Del Valle
9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Williamson County Recruitment Event