Austin public pools operational thanks to lifeguard increase

For years, public pools across the nation have been dealing with a lifeguard shortage. 

This summer, the city of Austin was able to employ over 720 staff members which is enough to operate all 32 pools.

Aquatics program director Aaron Levine says the city of Austin has been working on attracting more people to work at the pools.

"There are a lot of factors that go into opening these pools," Levine said. "You know, $20 an hour certainly helps to get people in."

Not only did the city of Austin raise the starting pay from $16 an hour to $20, they are also offering stipends.

"Once you get working and once you've worked 80 hours, you'll get a $400 training stipend for that training class and for your time," said Levine.

Levine said these perks have really attracted more people to apply for the job.

"I think we're still projected to hit about 900 guards by the end of July, which is really awesome," he said. "So, we've had no problems getting our pools open this year."

And if you're interested in being a lifeguard and wondering what the requirements are…

"The only requirement is to be 15 years or older and to pass the city of Austin star guard elite lifeguard course," Levine said. "It's a 36-hour course. It is free training, which I think is another big barrier that we remove this year."


Levine says they're always hiring for the year-round pools, so if you're interested you can apply at

Parque Zaragoza Pool is temporarily closed until June 19, due to mechanical issues. Pool maintenance staff are working to repair it as quickly as possible. 

Find the hours of operation of other City of Austin pools during this brief closure here.