Mike Ramos’ mother Brenda Ramos reacts to bodycam footage released by APD

Three months ago, Brenda Ramos' only son was killed in an officer-involved shooting. Monday, the Austin Police Department released bodycam footage from the night Mike Ramos was killed.

Ramos says she's seen the video once and that was enough for her to come to the conclusion that her son was wrongfully killed at the hands of APD. "Part of my body is numb," she said.

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Ramos says Mike was her only son and when he died, she lost a piece of herself.  "I hurt everyday, but I try to be strong," she said.

After more than a month of delay, Austin Police finally released the footage from that April night. Ramos says no matter how hard she tries, she can’t forget his face on the video.

“He didn't know what was going on. His face, he was just confused and scared and frightened, you know? Anybody would," she said.

RELATED: Brenda Ramos calls DA's decision to not present her son's case next month "very disrespectful"

Ramos believes APD Officer Christopher Taylor did not have to shoot lethal rounds at her son. "There were other ways, just other ways to do their job correctly, but on this one here, it was not correct," she said.

She says she hopes to now see some movement in her son's case now that the video has been released. She says her first hope is for the officers involved to be dealt with.

"You officers, you hear me now. I have a broken heart. You took my son away. Y'all got what y'all wanted," she said.


Ramos says she will never stop fighting for justice. "I have a mission to do for him, for my baby," she said.

Ramos is pushing for a bill to be passed in her son's name that will force officials to investigate officer-involved shootings immediately so families are not stuck waiting like she is now.